

  • 左上のロゴを``クリック``。

  • ユーザーメニュー(右上のアバター)> CryptDrive


Documents in the drive can be displayed as a list or a grid. To switch between the two, use the button at the right of the drive toolbar (under the avatar).

In grid mode, CryptPad can display thumbnails of documents. These can be turned on in the user settings.


CryptDrive in grid view.


CryptDrive in list view.




There are multiple ways to create folders in the drive:

  • New in the toolbar > Folder.

  • 右クリック > 新しいフォルダー

  • Ctrl + e > Folder.

Once a folder is created, documents can be added to it by dragging them from the drive. You can also drag and drop files from one folder to another. Use the convenient left sidebar tree to drop the file in the desired destination.


  • フォルダーを``右クリック`` > 色を変更

To share a folder and all of its contents:

  • Right click on the folder > Share. The folder will then be converted into a shared folder.


There are two ways to rename documents on CryptPad. One changes the document title for all users, the other changes it only in your drive.

To change the title of a documents for all users that have it in their drive:

  1. Click on the title or the button in the toolbar of the document.

  2. 新しいタイトルを入力。

  3. Save with the button or Enter key.

To change the title of a document only in your drive:

  1. Right click on the document in your drive > Rename.

  2. 新しい名前を入力。

  3. Save with the Enter key.

The icon indicates that the title of a document is different in your drive than for other users.


There are two ways of deleting a document on CryptPad:

  • Removing a document means it stops appearing in the drive but remains in the database. The document remains in the drive of other users who have stored it. The document can be recovered in the drive using the history.

  • Destroying a document deletes it from the database permanently. The document is deleted from all drives that store it, and it cannot be recovered using the drive history. Document owners


If a document is not stored in any drive, it is destroyed from the database after 90 days (the length of this delay can be set by the service administrators).

To remove a document from CryptDrive.

  • Drag the document from the drive into the Trash.

  • Right click > Move to trash

  • Select the document and press the Del key.

To remove the document from CryptDrive without storing it in the trash first:

  • Select the document and press the Shift + Del keys.


  • Right click on the Trash tab to the left of the drive > Empty the trash.

  • Click on the Trash tab to access the trash > Empty the trash.

If you are an owner of some documents in the trash when you empty it, you are prompted to decide if you want to remove or destroy them.

To destroy a document without storing it in the trash first:

  • Right click on the document in the drive > Destroy. Document owners


Once destroyed, documents may still appear in other user's drives. Once a document has been added to someone's drive, the encrypted nature of CryptPad makes it impossible to take it back. Therefore a destroyed document may still appeared in a user's drive if they had previously stored it. However, they will not be able to open the document.


The drive history is saved and can be restored if needed. From the drive:

  1. Click on the history button at the top-right (under the avatar).

  2. Use the arrows and to step through the history.

  3. Restore the displayed version with Restore, or exit the history without restoring with Close.

To save storage space CryptDrive history can be deleted in the user settings.


Shared folders have their own history, separate from CryptDrive history. Restoring the history of the drive does not affect shared folders, conversely the history of a shared folder can be restored without affecting the rest of the drive.



Group documents in multiple categories by using tags. Your tags are not visible by other users.

The Tags tab in the drive displays all tags in use and their associated documents.


To add or remove tags from a document:

  • From the drive: Right click on the document > Tags.

  • From a document: File > Tags.

To manage tags for multiple documents:

  1. Select the documents with Ctrl + Click in CryptDrive.

  2. Right click on the documents > Tags.

Only the tags assigned to all the documents are then displayed. Any tags added and/or removed are applied to all the selected documents.



Templates provide reusable starting points to create documents of a similar structure, for example invoices, letterheads, reports, and so on.

To create a template:

  1. Select the Templates tab in the drive.

  2. ツールバーの 新規


  1. In an existing document: File > Save as template.


  1. Create a new document.

  2. On the creation screen select New template.

To use a template:

  • Select the template when creating a new document.

  • In an existing document: File > Import a template. Please note: this option replaces the contents of the document with the template.