コード / マークダウン

The Code/Markdown application in CryptPad is an integration of CodeMirror.




挿入:画像をドキュメントに追加。画像はドライブから選択するかアップロードできます。 ログイン済ユーザー

Theme: Set colors for the editor, detailed below.

Preview: Show/hide the Markdown preview pane.


Color by author: Highlight the text written by each user with their cursor color (picked in user settings). When active:

  • Hide author colors to turn off the display of colors in this window, the colors can be turned back on and remain active for other users.

  • Color by author > Clear and disable to turn off the colors for all users and delete the data.

Theme: Color scheme used in the code editor pane.

Language: Used for syntax highlighting.


ファイル > インポート
Supported formats: Any plain text file, the file extension is used to determine the language.
ファイル > エクスポート
Supported formats: .md, any other extension can be typed for the name of the exported file.


The Code application is particularly suited for writing documents in Markdown: a lightweight syntax that offers basic formatting while remaining readable. Markdown is readily converted to other formats such as HTML.

For examples of Markdown syntax in CryptPad please see:

Markdown Guide: Basic Syntax

Additionally to basic Markdown syntax, the following features are also available:

  • [TOC] Inserts a table of contents.

  • Todo list

    • - [ ] task for a task to do: task.

    • - [x] task for a completed task: task.

As well as the following extensions:

To use an extension, name it as syntax for a Markdown code block, for example:

``` mermaid
   <!-- your mermaid code -->

for detailed examples of the extensions in use please see:

Markdown Guide: Extensions


Markdown syntax to include remote images such as ![description](https://site.com/image.jpg) is blocked by CryptPad for security reasons.


To insert images from the CryptDrive or upload new ones, use the Insert menu in the toolbar.

See Remote Content for more details.