The Slides application in CryptPad is an integration of CodeMirror.

Tools: Show/hide the text editor toolbar.
Insert: Add an image to the document. The image can be chosen in the drive or uploaded. Logged in users
Theme: Set colors for the editor, detailed below.
Preview: Show/hide the slides preview pane.
Présenter: Launch the slide presentation in full window.
Writing slides with Markdown¶
CryptPad slides are written in Markdown, a lightweight syntax that offers basic formatting while remaining readable.
The main addition to basic Markdown in the Slides application is the ---
delimiter to separate slides.
Layout: Toggle slide numbers, date, title, and transitions.
Background Image: Displayed on all slides.
Custom CSS: Paste CSS code to customise the presentation’s appearance.
Text color, Background color: Pick colors for the presentation.
Theme: Color scheme used in the code editor pane.
Markdown syntax to include remote images such as 
is blocked by CryptPad for security reasons.
Logged in users
To insert images from the CryptDrive or upload new ones, use the Insert menu in the toolbar.
See Remote Content for more details.
To browse through all images and diagrams in a document using the full width of the window:
Double click
on an image or diagram in the Markdown preview.Navigate with the arrow keys.
Close the light box with or Esc.